iPad Music – Lesson Objectives

Need help with iPad music learning objectives in 2019?

The National Plan for Music – How it relates to iPad Music

To an extent, we know how difficult it is being a classroom teacher.

Naturally we decided to help by providing a detailed list of the learning objectives and success criteria that we use when delivering our iPad music lessons. As a result we hope that your planning is straightforward and concise.

There are several ways to approach lesson objectives. We recognise that Blooms taxonomy provides a clear and strong framework to gauge and assess learning, therefore we have used Blooms as our frame of reference.

P.S. We used the heading ‘Knowledge’ in place of ‘Remember.’

Our iPad music curriculum contains 7 or more areas of learning for every heading.

iPad Music Lesson Objectives

This is not an exhaustive list, yet it covers all of the actives that we deliver during our iPad lessons. We currently deliver three different types of workshop.

  1. Explore – Appy Music and Loopy Creations
  2. Compose – Music Production and GarageBand Songwriting
  3. Perform – Play Pop Songs, iPad Orchestra and iBand
Lesson objectives - Ipad music blooms taxonomy

Certainly, you may find that the type of project you’re delivering requires that you alter the wording of our objectives so that they better reflect your lesson aim.

Again this is not an exhaustive list, but it provides a great point of focus to get your lesson planning moving forward.

Let’s look at how these learning objectives relate to a specific project!

Consider the following example.

Appy Music – Explore

In this project we study a new iPad app in every lesson.

Consequently a range of software instruments, synthesisers and digital audio workstations feature in this project.

As a result, this lesson covers a range of curricular objectives.

Please use the cross reference grid to find the related objective.

E1, E3, E5, B1, B2, B3, B5, B8, C1, C4, C7, D3, D4, D6, E1, F1, F3, F5, F6

iPad Music Video resource
iPad music, lesson plan, success criteria, learning objectives.

iPad Music Aims

We see music is an integral part of learning. It’s importance is highlighted in Guitar signal’s post about the benefits of learning to play music. Our projects, Explore, Compose and Perform utilise the iPad as a musical instrument and easily attain the targets set forth in the National Plan.

These projects in fact raise the bar. You can too by using the iPad to support your music curriculum!

iPad music lesson planning

Key stage 2
Pupils should…
1. play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression.
2. Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music.
3. Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.
4. Use and understand staff and other musical notations.
5. Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians.
6. Develop an understanding of the history of music.

Pupils should…
1. Play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using their voice, playing instruments musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression
2. Improvise and compose; and extend and develop musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures, styles, genres and traditions
3. Use staff and other relevant notations appropriately and accurately in a range of musical styles, genres and traditions
4. Identify and use the inter-related dimensions of music expressively and with increasing sophistication, including use of tonalities, different types of scales and other musical devices
5. Listen with increasing discrimination to a wide range of music from great composers and musicians
6. Develop a deepening understanding of the music that they perform and to which they listen, and it’s history.

Smashed Targets

Without a doubt iPad music smashes the targets in the National Plan for Music.

When you align the Department of Education’s programme of study alongside our objectives you can clearly see that Key Stage 1-3 education is greatly enhanced through iPad / app based music tuition.

In fact we could make a striking case for iPad music in the classroom by looking at Annex 2 (pg 36) of the National Plan.

Granted that’s not why you clicked on this article.

iPad Music Objectives

You’re welcome to use any and all of or wording in your planning. eg. “Explore how music is created and communicated”.

“Describe and demonstrate the musical elements and devices.”

“Demonstrate the ability to use a range of software features.”

“Explain the use of various musical elements in different genres of music.”

We hope that this article will encourage both peripatetic and classroom teachers to make use of the iPad in their music delivery and reference strong objectives in their planning.

In Summary, you’re welcome to share this post with colleagues and friends that may find this Music Hands resource useful.

If you have your skills and planning all together and you simply need lesson material, then take a look at our latest resources!

Feel free to contact us with any queries info@musichands.co.uk