Short Workshops

iBand – Roadshow Assembly

Duration: 45min

Project: A whole school assembly. This workshop demonstrates ways in which iPads are being used to support, extend and enhance curricular music. Inspired by Annex 2 of the National Plan we seek to support schools and teachers in their engagement with contemporary music tuition. We demonstrate quality software instruments, showing how to create simple songs. The assembly demonstrates how to compose and record in Garageband, methods of creating an iPad orchestra using the intuitive touch software and quality apps. Join us in an impromptu performance by pupils and staff. Book

iBand – iPad Orchestra

Duration: 4 hrs

A one day workshop in which pupils create an original piece of music, compose, arrange and perform. Use a variety of software instruments, play as a large orchestra or form smaller bands. Available for an entire class or smaller group. We capture your final performance and share it via our webpage. Book

iPad Music- CPD

Duration: 2 hrs

Have you got a iPads in your school, but  unsure of how to use them to support your music curriculum? This training session provides simple and effective activities to recreate with your pupils. Learn to use iPads musically and discover the methods, equipment and resources to create your own music hands. Book

African Drumming

Duration: 1hr – 2 hr

We explore African music using traditional instruments and rhythms. This is a workshop designed to provide an authentic African music experience! Book

Brazilian Drumming

Duration: 1hr – 2 hr

Info: Explore Brazilian music with traditional instruments and rhythms. This is a workshop deigned to provide an authentic Samba experience. Book

All required resources and equipment provided.

Bespoke workshops available on demand.